10th pass outs supported by Infosys foundation : Prerna NGO

If you have come across any bright students coming from poor financial background who have finished their 10th standard this year, and scored more than 80%, please ask them to contact the NGO-Prerana (supported by Infosys foundation). The NGO is conducting a written test and those who clear the test will be eligible for financial help for their further studies. Please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below to get the form:

44th cross, 1st A main road, Jayanagar 7th block,

Please go through these details if you want to help students.
We support only Bangalore Urban students. The student has to undergo a qualifying test which is on 29th of May, 2011. Let the parents of the students come and meet us at the below said address. They need to carry few documents with them while coming, Such as

1) Student SSLC Marks card copy
2) Student Parents salary certificate
3) Parents ID proof such as Voters ID, Ration Card, Electricity bill etc.,
4) House rent or Lease agreement.

Our Office address :

#28, Neeladri, 3rd main, Basappa layout,
Gavipuram Extension, Hanumanthanagar,
Bangalore - 560 019

Ph: 080 - 2660 1105 / 6533 7823

Contact numbers:

* 1. Ms. Saraswati - 99009 26505***
* 2. Mr. Shivkumar - 99866 30301***
* 3. Ms. Bindu - 99645 34667

eMail- preranabangalore@gmail.com

Even if you don't know anyone, please pass on this info, someone might be in need of this help!!!!!!


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