Electronic Cigarettes - " A Healthier Alternative to Tobacco Smoking ?"

 Electronic Cigarette 

Electronic Cigarettes " A Healthier Alternative to Tobacco Smoking ?"

What is an Electronic Cigarette?
  1. A Tobacco Cigarette look like an Electronic Device made of 3 Parts - Battery, Atomizer, Liquid Refill Cartridge Known as E Cig, E Cigarette, Electronic Cigarette
  2. Smoke Almost Anywhere, No Passive Smoking
  3. 4 Levels of Nicotine - High, Medium, Low, Zero
  4. 70 Different Flavors
  5. No Tobacco, No Tar, No Smoke
  6. No Bad Breath or Stained Teeth
  7. No Smell on Clothes
  8. Save Money on Smoking
  9. Looks, Feels and Tastes like a Real Cigarette  

  1. Marlboro flavor.
  2. A healthier alternative to the traditional toxic cigarette.
  3. Looks. feels and works exactly like a real cigarette but almost no nicotine.
  4. With seven electronic cigarette refill cartridges included.
  5. Push ahead the middle press and pull out the charger and then begin charging.
  6. The time of charging is about 5 hours.

BUY NOW: Health Smoking Marlboro Flavor E-Cigarette Marlboro Logo Paper Cigarette Box Kit @ $5.36 Shipped


The 15 Reasons to Switch to An Electronic Cigarette:

 1.  No More Smoker's Breath
 2.  No More Offensive Smoke
 3.  No Ash
 4.  No Fire / No Flame
 5.  Cheaper than Cigarettes
 6.  More Cost Effective
 7.  No Stub
 8.  Less Waste
 9.  Alternative Way to Smoke
10. Alternative to Smoking
11. Non “intrusive
12. Smoke More Freely
13. Smoke almost Anywhere
14. No Social Stigmas
15. Provides an Authentic Smoking Experience


Electronic Cigarette Vs Traditional Cigarette

If you still don't want to switch from tobacco cigarettes to an electronic cigarette for various reasons, this article might help you understand the differences between the two. In this part, we are going to discuss why smoking an electronic cigarette is considered the better and healthier option.

When you start vaping using an e-cig, you will immediately feel the basic benefits of not having a sore throat and not having to deal with bad odor after smoking. These are the benefits tobacco cigarettes can't offer, and they are very worth the effort nonetheless.

Of course, electronic cigarettes are also healthier due to the fact that they don't use dangerous substances other than nicotine. This is not the case with tobacco cigarettes. Ammonia, benzene, and acetone along with literally thousands of other dangerous substances are used in the process of making the tobacco cigarette and smoking it. Why consume all these dangerous substances when you can enjoy the same smoking sensation “ or an even better one “ by switching to an electronic cigarette?

Another good benefit offered by electronic cigarettes is the cheaper cost of smoking. When you smoke tobacco cigarettes, a pack will cost you $5 to $12; spending one pack a day means spending $150 of your money on cigarettes. With an electronic cigarette, one refill cartridge is equal to 1.5 packs of tobacco cigarettes, and you can buy it for no more than $2. You are saving $90 or more per month this way.

It is safe to conclude that an electronic cigarette is much more beneficial to consume. All you have to do now is find the best electronic cigarette starter kit that offers maximum smoking sensations and you can get started with switching to an electronic cigarette without hassle. You will find electronic cigarettes much more enjoyable to consume.


                                              Electronic Cigarette Charges Via USB          

How Do Electronic Cigarettes Work?

When someone sees you smoking some thing that is obviously not a cigarette the first thing they want to know is, how do electronic cigarettes work? The next question is almost always, œdo they contain nicotine like a real cigarette?   I thought I would write a quick post answering these questions that I can link to all my other posts where it is useful.    

                                                        Pen Style Electronic Cigarette    

Do electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine?

Yes.  The refill cartridges contain nicotine in varying levels (zero, low, medium and high).  They deliver about the same amount of nicotine as a regular cigarette.  Notice that one level is zero.   Some manufacturers offer cartridges with no nicotine whatsoever.  

                                                       An Assortment of Nicotine Cartridges

How do electronic cigarettes work?

Basically, all brands of electronic cigarettes consist of 3 main parts: a battery, a nicotine cartridge and an atomizer.

                                            Electronic Cigarette ComponentsA pen style disassembled

The batteries are typically lithium ion rechargeable that are powerful and compact.  The batteries also contain some additional circuitry for lighting the tip that simulates the glowing œcherry  like that of a real cigarette.

The nicotine cartridge includes a mouthpiece and a reservoir for the nicotine solution.  The cartridges can be purchased in various flavors (tobacco, menthol, cherry, vanilla, etc.) and levels of nicotine (zero, low, medium, high).

The nicotine solution in the cartridge mainly consists of water and propylene glycol which is a substance used in medicines, cosmetics, food, toothpaste etc.  The only other ingredients include some flavoring and nicotine of course.

The atomizer is activated when the user takes a drag on the device.  The atomizer is a 2 part device.

                                                  Exposed Atomizer of 3-Piece e Cig Design

 First, there is a wicking mechanism that is made out of metal.  This wick comes into contact with the liquid nicotine solution in the nicotine cartridge and flows a small amount of nicotine solution down to the second part of the atomizer which is a heating element sometimes just called a filament.

The filament is a small coil of high resistance wire that gets hot and vaporizes the nicotine solution flowing to it.  This vapor in turn is what gets inhaled into the lungs.

The picture above is of a 3-piece electronic cigarette design.  The 2-piece type of electronic cigarette is a little different in its design, but the principle of operation is the same.  You can read my article on the 3 types of electronic cigarettes if you want more information regarding pros and cons of 2-piece e cigs vs. 3-piece e cig designs.

                                                   A 3-piece type pen style disassembled


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