Amazing Facts - 23

1. Psychokinesis refers to the ability of moving objects through psychic power

2. The fat that comes from sheep, which is called tallow, can also be used to produce soap and candles

3. In Britain, one out of every four potatoes is eaten in the form of french fries

4. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, chocolate syrup was used for blood in the shower scene

5. The movie "Chicken Run" made in 2,000 had the most plasticine used in an animated movie. They used 2,380 kg of plasticine for the movie

6. During WWII, because a lot of players were called to duty, the Pittsburgh Steelers and Philadelphia Eagles combined to become The Steagles

7. The titan arum flower is the largest flower in the world and gives off a horrible odor that smells like rotting flesh when it blooms

8. Every day, the average person swallows about a quart of snot

9. When the only queen ant dies, so does the entire colony, because no new workers are born

10. The Dutch people are known to be the tallest people in Europe

11. The average American kid will eat approximately 1.500 peanut butter sandwiches by high school graduation

12. Goats do not have upper front teeth

13. It has been suggested that shepherds are responsible for inventing the game golf. It is said that they used to use their staffs to hit the stones

14. There are about 6,800 languages in the world

15. Studies have shown that by putting on slow background music it can make a person eat food at a slower rate


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