Tips For Healthy Skin

Top Tips for Healthy Skin


Healthy skin is the basis of pure, natural beauty. Glowing, wrinkle-free skin is such a frequently sought-after feature that it has given rise to a multi-billion dollar global cosmetic industry. Many women seek expensive anti-aging skin treatments and plastic surgery to uphold a façade of youthful skin. However, preventative skin care measures can help you maintain a healthy complexion well into old age. Although wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process, they can be minimized with a regular skin care routine.

Hydrate Your Skin

Apply face moisturizer once or twice daily. Without a regular moisturizing routine, your face may become dry and cause your skin's natural oil production to overcompensate, creating oily pimples. Dehydrated skin is also unable to repair itself as efficiently after encountering sun or weather damage. In addition to using moisturizer, drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure your skin is hydrated internally as well as externally.

Protect Your Skin

Maintain healthy skin by protecting it from harsh weather conditions and toxic habits. Wear moisturizer with SPF of 15 or greater every day, even if the weather is overcast. Harmful UV rays can cause skin damage and lead to skin cancer. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol, both of which speed up your skin's aging process and lead to more wrinkles and splotchy skin discoloration.

Nourish Your Skin

Feed your skin the vitamins and nutrients it needs by practicing healthy eating habits. Fill your diet with fruits and vegetables that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and omega oils. The best foods for healthy skin are antioxidant-rich berries, fish, low-fat dairy products, deep green vegetables, and whole grains. Eating iron-rich foods such as apricots and sesame seeds will help improve your skin tone.

Rest Your Skin

Give your skin the chance to rest and rejuvenate itself by maintaining healthy sleeping habits. Lack of sleep may reduce otherwise healthy skin's ability to produce collagen, which is a tissue protein vital to youthful skin. Poor sleeping habits can cause dark, saggy bags under the eyes and can lead to lingering rashes and skin irritations. When you don't get enough sleep, you get cranky, and your skin is no different. Remember that tired skin is unhappy, unhealthy skin.


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